(Digital) The Hairecipe Book, Vol 1. : A Book of Recipes the Will Make Your Hair Happy

(Digital) The Hairecipe Book, Vol 1. : A Book of Recipes the Will Make Your Hair Happy

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The Loc Doc was given her moniker while pursuing her Doctorate degree.  During this time, the Loc Doc began to explore natural hair options as a way to lessen the time it took to maintain her hair.  Locs were her choice of hairstyle and helped catapult the spark and her further research around locs, natural hair, products, etc.   Years later, this exploration turned into a love and business centered on natural hair and that moniker is now a brand. 


This e-book contains over 30 recipes for hair products that have been used on the Loc Doc and her clients. 


This book includes recipes for:

hair butters

hair masks

scalp scrubs

hair (body) oils



****Digital Format****


47 pages


The reader of this book should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions related to the recipes from this book. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the Loc Doc or the Isaac Group, LLC